Sunday, June 7, 2009

Bonding - The Attachment Theory - Fathers' Rights

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Children need both parents equally and 'even Toddlers Need Fathers' is intended to help fathers who want to maintain a parental relationship with their child or children through the courts. The former Home Secretary, and dad, David Blunkett wrote an unsolicited letter in which he said,
"I am very grateful to all those, like yourself who have written and particularly where you have been able to demonstrate your own thinking from the experiences you have had. Congratulations on your battle"
'even Toddlers Need Fathers' includes a critique of a psychological theory prevalent throughout the UK family courts which discriminates against fathers. Known as the theory of 'maternal deprivation' it is more commonly referred to in family proceedings as the 'Tender Years' doctrine. The internationally acknowledged authority on children's welfare Professor Sir Michael Rutter said, "Very many thanks for sending me a copy of your interesting and informative guide on 'even Toddlers Need Fathers'. I much appreciate your drawing my attention to it"

A 2009 UK government review of the Department for Children, Schools and Families policies found, little or no explicit recognition of fathers in terms of legislation, including acts of parliament, regulation and statutory guidance and standards. The authors of the review noted, "Substantial barriers to improving engagement with fathers in family services exist in relation to: recognition and support for fathers in national policy; the workforce and delivery in family services; and the wider attitudes and behaviours of fathers and mothers in society."

It would be churlish to imagine these same atttudes do not extend to the UK family courts and you can find out more about the 'Tender Years' doctrine and the other 'barriers' that prevent fathers maintaining a parental role from a series of video clips on the evenToddlers YouTUBE Channel described below. There is also a section on this website entitled, Winning 'Frequent and Substantial' Contact, which outlines some of the arguments and evidence that may be presented to a family court judge to support an application for contact or shared parenting;-

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