“The hospital staff were texting with [the child welfare agency] about the
dilation of her cervix”
*One state allegedly maintains a secret docket of pregnant women. For those
on it, it is alleged, this state will rely on a “network of informers” to
1 day ago
My children were alienated by the father. I think that NOW is unaware that this is Gender Neutral. They are stuck in the old days when mothers were automatically given the children, so fathers had to come up with tall tales to get to see their children. Those days are over. As a targeted Mom, I wish that the woman in NOW would catch up with the times. All it takes is a situation like mine, where I didn't have the funds to hire a good lawyer, the judge was corrupt and my husband was a lawyer who signed on as co-council with his lawyer/former family court judge and friend of my "good ol' boy" Judge. I was screwed from the beginning. I fought until I couldn't fight any more.